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Cate Blanchett Height, Age, Weight, Measurements, Bra Size & Net worth

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Cate Blanchett full-body measurements like her bra size, age, facts, cup size, breast size, height, Net worth, Tattoo, voice, weight, feet size, eyes color, panty size, hair color, favorite perfume, favorite destination, favorite food, dress size, Cate Blanchett Instagram, celebrity favorite makeup kit, Cate Blanchett Twitter, Cate Blanchett hobbies and Cate Blanchett movies. She is one of the hottest women in the world!

Cate Blanchett was the daughter of June and Robert DeWitt Blanchett Jr., born in Victoria, Australia, on 14 May 1969. Her mother was a property developer and teacher, while her father was a US Navy veteran and became an advertising executive. Her younger sister is a theatre designer, and her older brother is a computer system engineer.

She enrolled at The National Institute of Dramatic Art later and graduated in 1992 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree.

Since 29 December 1997, Cate Blanchett has been married to Andrew Upton (screenwriter/playwright). They have three sons and one adopted daughter.

Cate Blanchett was first to appear on stage in 1992’s ‘Oleanna,’ presented by the Sydney Theatre Company. She also performed a play titled Electra. She then played Ophelia in Hamlet, which Neil Arm field directed.

Blanchett was first seen in the romantic drama film “Oscar and Lucinda,” in which she played the role of Lucinda Leplastrier. She acted in three acting projects: ‘Bangers, Pushing Tin, and ‘The Talented Mister Ripley’ in 1999.

She was cast in the role of Galadriel in “The Lord of the Rings,” a blockbuster, Oscar-winning film series directed by Peter Jackson. The Australian actress expanded her repertoire with TV programs like ‘Charlotte Gray’ and The Shipping News.

She starred in the 2002 film ‘Heaven,’ which also featured Giovanni Ribisi. She played many roles in films such as “The Missing” and “Coffee and Cigarettes.”

In this post, we will mention some facts about Cate Blanchett’s Height and Biography.


Cate Blanchett Personal Details

Cate Blanchett Measurements


Hopefully, you could find all of Cate Blanchett’s measurements details in this informative article. Additionally, check Gigi Hadid Measurements and Jessica Alba Measurements.

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